Remote Learning

We will continue to provide remote learning for all our students in the event of self-isolating, partial or full closure. An outline of our provision, along with tips and guidance can be found below.

General Guidelines

When teaching pupils remotely, we will endeavour to:

  • ensure that our Remote Learning is high-quality, safe and aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision
  • plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school
  • set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
  • provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school or through high-quality curriculum resources, videos, narrated Powerpoints or live lessons

Each day we would like your child to: 

  • log in to Google Classroom using their school Google account and make every effort to follow their normal timetable
  • complete all assessment tasks in their Google Classrooms for the day
  • check their school Gmail account regularly for updates, announcements and any changes made to their Google Classroom
  • email their subject teacher whenever they need support or advice

Google Classroom 

A Google Classroom has been established for every one of your child’s subjects. This “virtual classroom” is used to share Teaching and Learning resources, as well as links to other embedded websites that are used with in the normal school day (eg HegartyMaths & Doddle).

Wherever possible, your child should follow their normal school timetable and access the relevant Google Classroom at the appropriate time. Here they will find their work for each individual lesson.

When entire classes have been sent home, the relevant class teacher will be logged in to the Google Classroom for every timetabled lesson to provide support and assistance (students can use the Google Classroom Stream to engage with their class teacher).

Here is a video explaining how to access Google Classroom:


Gmail (Google Email) is the default method of communication between your child and their teachers. Your child should check their school Gmail account on a daily basis for updates, announcements and changes made to their Google Classrooms. They can use their Gmail account to ask for help or advice from their teachers

Please remember that their teacher may have a full teaching day and there may be a slight delay in responding.

Here is a video explaining how to access Gmail:

Live Lessons – Google Meet

When entire classes have been sent home, there will be opportunities for teachers to deliver a “live lesson” to support students’ learning. Going forward “live lessons” will utilise the integrated Google Meet platform from Google Classroom and we have established the following protocols that students must adhere to.

Expectations of Students and Parents

  • All ‘live lessons’ will be provided using the Google Meet platform and students will be invited via their appropriate Google Classroom.
  • Students must always use their Cantell Gmail login for Google Meetings. If a student attempts to enter a Google Meeting from any other email address they will be denied entry.
  • Do not share the meeting link with anyone else. (If a friend lets you know they are struggling to enter the Google Meeting, please let your teacher know, but never share the meeting link with them or anyone else).
  • Students must join the lesson within 5 minutes of the lesson start or they will be refused entry.
  • Unless directed otherwise by the teacher, students’ microphone function must remain switched off. 
  • If requested, students must turn off their camera function, failure to do will result in being removed from the lesson
  • Students can use the chat feature to ask questions of the teacher but not for general conversation between students.
  • Students must be logged onto a device in a communal area of their home (e.g. not their bedroom) and must be appropriately fully dressed (e.g. not pyjamas). Their background should be neutral and have no personal items on show. 
  • Recording or taking images by students during live lessons is strictly prohibited. 
  • The school will record all live lessons for the purposes of safeguarding. 
  • The school’s behaviour policy will be followed in the lesson. Any misconduct will result in removal from the lesson, a behaviour point and a phone call home.
  • Do not share any private information during the live lesson. 
  • Do not respond to contact or meeting requests from people you do not know, only follow the Google Meet link in the banner on your Google Classroom.

Here is a video explaining how to join a live lesson on Google Meet:

Here is a video explaining how to join a Google Meet lesson on a tablet or smartphone:


When any full or partial bubble is sent home, Satchel One will also be used to schedule and monitor Remote Learning. By logging in to Satchel One, you are able to view the calendar to see what tasks have been set for your child.

Each class teacher will assess your child’s engagement and completion of work through Satchel One. This will take place every Monday and will be a review of their efforts during the previous week in every subject (whether they have been able to follow their timetable or not).

Below is an explanation of the Grading System being used;

  • Submitted – Task(s) completed to an acceptable standard, or higher standard.
  • Resubmission –Task(s) attempted, but not completed to an acceptable standard
  • Not Submitted –Task(s) not attempted

By logging in to Satchel One each week you can keep track of their progress across their timetable. If you are having any difficulties with Show My Homework, please email Mrs Gillam:

Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy is a Government sponsored “Virtual School” with nearly 10,000 lessons and resources covering a wide range of subjects from Year 7 to Year 11. Each lesson is an hour-long and delivered by a teacher, with a pre-recorded video as well as quizzes, worksheets and creative activities. It’s all easy to use, there is no login or password, you can access our lessons on any device, and pupils only need materials they can find at home.

Some of these lessons will be utilised by teachers in your child’s Google Classroom, but they are a great resource if your child wants to extend their learning.

A link to the site can be found below:

Working From Home

When working from home, it is very easy for your child to lose their motivation to study if they are distracted, if they do not feel organised or are just feeling tired. Below are some tips on how to help them get in the right mindset.

  • Wherever possible, please ask your child to follow their normal school timetable. Try and distinguish between weekdays and weekends, to separate school life and home life.
  • Help them stick to a routine, as this is what your child is used to at school. For example, eat breakfast at the same time each morning and make sure they’re dressed before starting the ‘school’ day.
  • Try and create the perfect studying environment. Make sure their study area is quiet, comfortable and free from distractions. Try to experiment with different study areas.
  • Encourage them to engage with their peers and teachers regarding the work that has been set. Sharing their thoughts, collaborating or asking questions of their friends may help to motivate them. Additionally, their teachers are always more than happy to answer their questions.

Contact & Feedback

If you have any queries or problems relating to Remote Learning, then please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher. Alternatively, please feel free to contact our dedicated helpline at;

**Cantell recommends using Google Chrome as your browser, to minimise the small chance of any problems with accessing and using our online resources. If you do have any problems accessing websites or work, please make sure you have tried accessing it via an up-to-date version of Google Chrome. If you need help installing this please contact us**