“When words fail, music speaks.”
Hans Christian Andersen
In KS3 music we cover the elements of music in our topics (Rhythm and Metre, Melody and Accompaniment, Sequencing Techniques, Performance Techniques and Harmony and Tonality). Students will experience using keyboards, ukuleles, djembes, and guitars as soloists and in ensembles. Students will also have the opportunity to compose and record music with Mixcraft and Musescore.
In Year 7 students focus on developing their understanding of musical elements through performance, composition and appraisal. In Year 8 students look in more detail and variety of performance and composition techniques. Year 9 takes these skills learnt and uses them as a preparation year for KS4 courses completing mini projects linked to KS4 qualifications.
At KS4 we offer two courses based on the best option for the student. These are BTEC Music and GCSE Music. The BTEC course is a vocational course focusing on developing the students performing and creating skills or their production and creating skills. The GCSE course involves performing and composing coursework alongside an external exam; answering listening questions on the 4 areas of study (concerto through time, popular music, film music and rhythms of the world).
As part of our extra-curricular activities, we offer ukulele orchestra, radio, choir and orchestra. We put on a whole school production every two years involving music, drama, and dance. During the academic year we have several opportunities for students to perform including the Christmas Concert, Live Music Week, Summer Concert and Open evening performances. Students are able to take peripatetic lessons which are delivered by Southampton Music Service.