“D&T develops confident and capable young people with the potential to produce effective solutions to many of the problems we face today. Critically, it builds the skills people need to solve problems we don’t even know yet exist.”
Quote from the Design & Technology Association
Throughout KS3 we study different materials, how they behave and why you would use them, developing fundamental skills using tools and processes safely.
We identify problems through product design, and we encourage creative and imaginative ways to find solutions, ensuring our students get a blend of practical skills and innovation.
In year 7 we complete two projects. A practical task where they learn about wood and its properties. They are taught how to use basic hand tools and workshop equipment to process and manufacture out of pinewood. We also discuss the impact of deforestation and the importance of reusing materials. They are also introduced to computer aided design through a CAD/CAM project that focuses on the production of Fairtrade products. They discuss the use of plastic and it’s impact on the environment.
In year 8, they complete a practical project where they learn about metal and it’s properties. There is a focus on prototyping before manufacture and the importance of accuracy and quality. They revisit their wood working skills and embed their health and safety knowledge. Yr8 students also complete a textiles project where they explore different fabrics, using a variety of techniques such as tie-dying, embroidery and beading.
In Year 9 we focus on their progression into KS4, and the types of careers the subject can lead to. They study product design: looking at the work of modern designers and exploring the design process. They learn about manufacturing and the use of CNC machines, building on their knowledge from yr7, and preparing them for our popular engineering course.
There are a range of extracurricular clubs on offer to all KS3 students. CAD/CAM club, where they improve their drawing and design communication skills including the use of CAD (Computer Aided Design). Construction club, where students work with the technology staff to design and build the set and props for our amazing school shows. They extend their skills learnt in class, applying them to make ‘real life’ items.
The exciting annual department trip is to visit the popular ‘Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios’ in London. Students explore the breath-taking sets, props and costumes from the films and partake in a set design workshop. It is a truly inspiring day for our students as they discover the extraordinary artistry, technology and talent that went into creating the Harry Potter film series.
As students’ progress to KS4 they can choose Engineering. The Cambridge Nationals in Engineering are aimed at students who wish to study the processes involved in designing and manufacturing ‘new’ engineered products.