Year Teams

Our Well-Being team are dedicated to providing the best possible care, support and guidance to students; enabling them to make excellent progress with their learning.

The first point of contact for students and parents is their Year Leader.

Each Year Leader is responsible for overseeing the academic and well-being care of all students within a particular year group.

They are supported by a team of trained professionals who specialise in working with students who have specific well-being needs.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Year Leader should you have any questions or concerns.

Our Year leaders are:

Mrs J Hartley

Year Leader – Year 7

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Mr R Swain

Year Leader – Year 8

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Mr B Magookin

Year Leader – Year 9

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Miss S Bassi

Year Leader – Year 10

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Mrs K Huelin

Year Leader – Year 11

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Mrs J Pringle

Emotional Wellbeing Lead

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Mrs L Beattie

Alternative Pathway Leader

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Mrs M Stocker

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

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